I feel like my real problem is not that i dont know what i want to do with my life, it's that i do know what i want to do with my life and it doesnt involve working in any capacity whatsoever. Obviously im super cool and am going to admit right now what i love to learn and that i really value intelligence. that's why i get classical novels every Christmas, read twenty pages, and then never look at the books again. #whatawaste
So what do i want to do with my life? i want to pursue knowledge! This should be a career, i should get paid for such a thing. Anything that is new is not boring but when it comes to applying something i have already learned well, i already learned it so i have no interest! i want to travel. i need to travel. i get bored soooo easily that i constantly need to change things up. Even when i manage to settle on something i am interested in, i put my whole self into it and then just drop it because i get tired of doing anything with any sort of repetition. i want to travel the world and experience the lives of others. i would even work in a field as a harvester of coffee beans just because it is something different. maybe if i got to see every continent, ocean, and mountain range on this earth then i could settle into a job because all of my curiosities would be resolved. or i'd just want to go to space or something. #timetravelnext
oh my gosh.. story of my life. are you sure we aren't the same person? i'm just holding out for a "eureka" moment.. hope it comes soon.. good luck!!