Monday, April 4, 2011

the first post !

Oh the art of the blog, makes me feel awkward. I finally managed to make it to my ninth tweet in my six months of having a twitter so this blog thing may take a little getting used to. More over, the only reason I have a twitter is so that I can follow people like Young Dro but I do not think he has jumped on the blogtrain yet so that's a bit of a disappointment (understatement). Wait what am I supposed to be doing? Oh, right... 

UHHHHHHH after my fourth and hopefully final major change, I am now a sophomore majoring in Psychology and Criminology. I want to work for the FBI and profile serial killers but my hopes and dreams seem to change every five seconds so what I really want to do is be a comedic screenwriter so like I'll just aim for that? My favorite TV show of all time is Arrested Development and I like to wear lacrosse pinnies. When I am not wearing lacrosse pinnies I wear normal human clothing and walk around wishing that I knew how to breakdance. I am from the lovely island nation commonly referred to as Long Island. ****Disclaimer: not a guido**** Now I am most certainly not trying to start anything but when I say that our pizza is better than yours, well, our pizza is better than yours. 

Why am I not in my sorority? (If you can tell me what Nickelodeon television show that is from I'll give you $5) No but seriously, my need for constant human interaction led me to joining a sorority. Being far from home can be hard sometimes (Mom's angry I won't be going home for Easter) so it's important to have a Columbus family. I honestly never thought Greek life was for me but now I can say I cannot imagine life without it. The whole reason I ventured all the way to Ohio State was to get the whole "college experience" and in my opinion, that involves being a part of the Greek community. Recruitment was almost a blur and sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between certain sororities but Delta Zeta is definitely where I am meant to be so it's allllllll goooooood babay babay (Thank you Biggie Smalls). 

I am excited! I can't wait to reveal my true personality to the InterWeb! Also there are so many great youtube videos that I wish to post on here and share with my extremely fortunate classmates! Like this one that I watched at least five times yesterday...yeah, i'll leave that for another post. But for real, let's make some magic! 


1 comment:

  1. First, I love your picture and you crack me up. But really, I think it's so cool that you want to work for the FBI. I actually have always wanted to do that too! I just feel like I'm not a strong enough person to be able to handle a job like that so I chose marketing instead. haha but I absolutely love psychology and learning about people and what makes them the way they are. Good luck with finding out what you really want to do though!
