Tuesday, April 26, 2011


When reading Tyler's email about this Blogging Prompt, my mind immediately went to company slogans. Then it went, naturally, to my all time favorite company...Dunkin Donuts obviously!!!!!! Which reminds me, Columbus needs some more of those.

Dunkin's slogan is "America Runs on Dunkin." To me, this slogan is not just a marketing ploy, it's not just an association the company hopes you will make, it's a play to your unconscious patriotic side. Here, Dunkin Donuts is telling the American people that they value them. After all, you are supposed to value your customers, right? And who doesn't love being appreciated? I also love the pictures they put on the cup  to go along with each word of the slogan but that's neither here nor there.

More seriously, Dunkin Donuts is trying to make the statement that it is what gets Americans up and going every morning so that they can get to work and we all know how much Americans value a hard day's work. Clearly drinking anything other than Dunkin Donuts is just straight up unpatriotic! No but really, Dunkin Donuts is displaying that it works to provide its customers with the energy to get up every morning and do what they do best, with the energy to be productive members of society. In essence, Dunkin is showing not only that it values its customers (that it is here for us, providing us with what we need rather than, you know, trying to exploit us and take our money) but that it also values what we as Americans value. For example, this idea of a hard day's work and the idea that we all need to get up and do something for society. Perhaps a sociologist came up with this slogan for Dunkin Donuts.

Rereading this, I realize that it looks like I am in no way serious and that this whole Dunkin Donuts and America thing is a stretch. To address the first issue (my lack of seriousness), that's just how I am and I do in fact think that the geniuses behind "America Runs on Dunkin" wrote it with the hopes that Americans would feel a connection with this company because most Americans have a lot of pride! To address the second issue, I think that many times things (here, company slogans) that appeal to us without us making an immediate connection as to why. I have always loved the slogan because I thought that it was catchy and the pictures are cool but after this reflection, I think it is smart that the company is saying that they value their customers and their country. It's much better than Starbucks' naked mermaid woman which tells me nothing about their company values other than that they like mythical sea creatures.

This has lead me to make a very important conclusion: DUNKIN DONUTS LOVES AMERICA AND DRINKING STARBUCKS IS PLAIN AND SIMPLE UNAMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Signing off, 



Soooooooo just really had to blog right about now because I am hella disappointed. I woke up early this morning to a text from one of my old roommates saying that the Lollapalooza lineup for this year is AWESOMEEEE. Clearly I jumped out of bed and ran to my computer to check this out. I am raging right now!!! So much anger!  I had all of these big summer plans and I was going to throw them all away just so that I could go to Chicago for this festival pkrjfdkgjfdsfsdf. Okay, I will get over it eventually. It is nice that they have The Cars (favorite band of the moment) but beyond that, no one else I am dying to see. Actually, I really have not heard of many of the bands going. But the fact that Cee Lo Green will be there is upsetting enough!!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly Lollapalooza needs some of this:

And this:

And this:



Monday, April 18, 2011

Greek Life in the Media !

Okay, so forget the video I mentioned in my last post...I am over it already.

However, let's discuss this...

 Greek Life and the Media. I feel like academics are always talking about the media and its impact on society, on the beliefs that individuals hold in general. Usually, I get annoyed by this topic being brought up because I feel that it is widely known that the media negatively influences opinions and goes beyond simply creating biases. Sometimes, the media straight up lies. I am annoyed by the fact that every class I have ever taken touches on that but when it comes to this, to how Greek Life is portrayed in the media, well let's just say I am a little more inclined to want to fix it.

Although not my original intention, this video actually flows quite well into the second blog assignment regarding my personal values. While sitting in class the other day reviewing the Social Change Model, I could not help but think about how much I liked the part about individuality. I realized the individuality is really something that I value.

I am sure you are all tired of hearing "Be Yourself" by now but it is truly something I wish everyone could live by. To me, this goes hand in hand with self-confidence. Without self-confidence, you probably don't have the ability to be yourself. I find that self-confidence is also something of great value to me. Regardless of what anyone says, high school is in some way tough for everyone. If you can make it through your years of teenage angst with a sense of self and an established identity then I'd consider that a success.

I understand that it takes some longer than others to establish an "identity" for themselves. However, this identity needs to be something we craft for ourselves, not something we craft for others. An identity should not be shaped based on what certain people will respond to, but something that expresses each of us individually. If you are trying to be someone you are not just because you want to impress a certain group of people then you will not only lose your integrity, but other people will lose respect for you.

This brings me back to the video that I posted. Clearly, The Onion is making fun of Greek Life and sororities in particular by stating that all sorority girls are the same. We all know, based on our diverse community, that this is not true. If we all keep up our individual identities and refrain from falling victim to the stereotype once we enter into Greek Life, maybe that stereotype with disappear. I mean, it's the media so I will not keep my hopes up but what else can you do, ya know?

Monday, April 4, 2011

the first post !

Oh the art of the blog, makes me feel awkward. I finally managed to make it to my ninth tweet in my six months of having a twitter so this blog thing may take a little getting used to. More over, the only reason I have a twitter is so that I can follow people like Young Dro but I do not think he has jumped on the blogtrain yet so that's a bit of a disappointment (understatement). Wait what am I supposed to be doing? Oh, right... 

UHHHHHHH after my fourth and hopefully final major change, I am now a sophomore majoring in Psychology and Criminology. I want to work for the FBI and profile serial killers but my hopes and dreams seem to change every five seconds so what I really want to do is be a comedic screenwriter so like I'll just aim for that? My favorite TV show of all time is Arrested Development and I like to wear lacrosse pinnies. When I am not wearing lacrosse pinnies I wear normal human clothing and walk around wishing that I knew how to breakdance. I am from the lovely island nation commonly referred to as Long Island. ****Disclaimer: not a guido**** Now I am most certainly not trying to start anything but when I say that our pizza is better than yours, well, our pizza is better than yours. 

Why am I not in my sorority? (If you can tell me what Nickelodeon television show that is from I'll give you $5) No but seriously, my need for constant human interaction led me to joining a sorority. Being far from home can be hard sometimes (Mom's angry I won't be going home for Easter) so it's important to have a Columbus family. I honestly never thought Greek life was for me but now I can say I cannot imagine life without it. The whole reason I ventured all the way to Ohio State was to get the whole "college experience" and in my opinion, that involves being a part of the Greek community. Recruitment was almost a blur and sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between certain sororities but Delta Zeta is definitely where I am meant to be so it's allllllll goooooood babay babay (Thank you Biggie Smalls). 

I am excited! I can't wait to reveal my true personality to the InterWeb! Also there are so many great youtube videos that I wish to post on here and share with my extremely fortunate classmates! Like this one that I watched at least five times yesterday...yeah, i'll leave that for another post. But for real, let's make some magic! 
